at the guesthouse

(for Walter and Miguel)

from Eames’ Beautiful Details / photo by shf

there’s something to books well-placed

by meaning and mold

the wrap of hands giving them home,

landing, welcome

a surround of migrating angles

sight and seeing expressed

at the crossroads of mortal and divine

forms of power, nested prayers,

sound, syllable, sentence

arriving elsewhere

to expose, proclaim, rectify

beside the bed

saint-exupéry, oliver, lorca

what more need be said of such guardians

then near the reading chair

from where the sun rises across the landscape

beyond the windows, rumi

and on the coffee table

the prodigious eames

innovation from an alchemist’s dreams

in these ways

one meets another

greeting that ever-widening


that rises from guesthouse to guest

from Eames’ Beautiful Details / photo by shf



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