Small One,
Small One Way Down in the Place Between the Stomach and the Intestines Who Gets Sad and Worried and Wonders All Sorts of Cockamamie Things about Where Life Has Been and Where It Is Going,
Thank you for seeing beyond your Way Down Small Self that still gets tummy cramps and sweaty underarms and doesn’t know all the right ways to protect herself from things going sideways, from unfenced dogs charging up the hill, from the eyes of people who don’t see what you do.
Thank you for taking a stab at life in so many directions, with so many dreams, busted or blooming. Thank you for mellowing out and letting other people take care of themselves for a change and making the promise that no one else will ever be your Numero Uno because you have finally taken your rightful place there.
Thank you for getting up in the morning and speaking the truth that you have been given a day. That you can breathe through it and do what you can to take care of yourself and lend a hand if there’s energy for it and that you can rest knowing that all that is given can be received.
Thank you for sticking with this mystery, this hall of mirrors, this ticket to the stars. Now, go take a nap.