February Note to Self
Dip into your heart. What do you see?
Practice. Practice. Practice.
Keep appointments with belly laughing and lighting candles at noon.
Drop to your hands and knees. Count a hundred blades of grass.
Wave at the bicycling children and pray for their future.
Give glue sticks for Valentine’s Day.
Dip into your heart. What do you see?
No need for a recipe.
Listen for ghosts while you drink from your grandmother’s teacups.
Hum to a hymn that she loved: “Oh, Lord, My God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works thy hands have made…”
Raise the stakes on your definition of freedom. Health. Clean water. Safe shelter. Food for the day. Friends.
Recall your reason for rising.
Ask what you are here for.
If nothing else, to dip into your heart and love what you see.