goin’ down
to the river
i had resisted for days
letting time and trouble
constrain my descending
to that place of flow
we take it slow
sun behind us casting from us
long shadows
ten legs six ears three noses
two tails and a booty
as we go lower I speak things out
like honest and crabby and out of place
then the wind takes the air
and i say no more
we all know where we are going
and yet everything looks new
the house on the crest of a hill
now hidden in the leaves of spring
the Himalayan blackberry vines pink
with blossom and unreeling from within
at the canyon oak the sniffing begins
the river bragging now its heft of treasure
then beyond the parking lot
a glint of truck
the flannel of a late riser
and how to roll with intrusion
then a rumbly reprieve
the squeal of metal on metal
let’s watch the train i whisper
as my feet plant in the road
angling toward where trestle meets solid ground
container after container pass over
all this moving over moving water moving me
up the hill after the train
i woop-woop like a strange bird
as a flimsy shell-shaped cloud
grows about the pearly sun