What’s springing in you?
The buzz of spring is all around. Unfortunately, right now that means a leaf blower. I’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed with an anxiousness in my tummy that seems almost in tune with that wretched machine. What of wind chimes and waterfalls? What of bird song and laughter?
Sometimes the rule of law flat out stumps me. What goes up must come down. I had been feeling so hopeful, my gentle eyes falling on the future as an opening lotus, a super bloom, a thoroughfare of daisies and lavender. Alas, but today all I see is trouble. Trouble in the piles in my work space, trouble in the unanswered emails that keep mounting as I give my computer the cold shoulder once again. Trouble in a sore back and a cracked tooth and the everyday messes that have to be cleaned up every day. Trouble in a lawn sprouting masses of weeds. Trouble in an ill-fitting present. Trouble, trouble, trouble.
It’s so easy to turn things around when I allow it. When the blue sky is all I need to lift me from mundane to glory. I think I’ve been poisoned. I started the last season of Succession a few nights ago, the mean plot sprouting from back-biting, sarcasm, and power grabs. Is that what I want filling my brain? Yet, I found myself last night powering through another episode like Gretel getting pushed into the oven. “Garbage in, garbage out” my mother used to warn me. Of course, her reference was against worldly songs on my transistor radio and movies I begged her to be able to see and dancing, which was frowned upon with no explanation whatsoever.
Years later, I did dance with my father — one New Year’s Eve when he was probably around the age that I am now. We were at a Minnesota dinner club with his second wife. You go, she coaxed me. And I did. I’d like to think that Daddy and I danced to a big band tune like “Moonlight Serenade” and that we stole the show.